Taryukgalukmi Kanatami nungumanginik avangmutlu New Brunswickmi, Nova Skotiami, Newfoundlandmi talvniluLabradormi, Prince Edward Islandmi talvanituniklu avangmutlu imakakniiniklu. Talvanilu ilingaitunik taryuinik talvani nungnanginiklu nunatutukaniklu atadjutigiktunik aah ipiknakpiaktunik hivuniktuidjutauvaktunik atuktauvaktunik talvunalu havakhautikhanik tahapkunani Taryukgalukmi Kanatakmiunilu, talvanituniklu Mi’kmaq, Wolastigiyikmiut, Innu Inungnilu, talvanilu nunainilu ilidjuhinik hilamiutanik umayuniklu.
Ilauyut pivighat
Atlantic Canada Public Opinion Study
Oceans North, the Conservation Council of New Brunswick and the New Brunswick chapter of Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society were interested in better understanding how Atlantic Canadians (residents of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island) perceive the state of the oceans. This report contains the results of polling that was conducted over the summer of 2019. The survey was supported by The Ocean Foundation.
Atlantic Canada Environmental DNA Workshop Report
This report details the outcomes of the first Atlantic Canada Environmental DNA Workshop, held at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and hosted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Nova Scotia Salmon Association and Oceans North. It includes recommendations for future work, summaries of the presentations given and a map of past, current and future research projects involving environmental DNA in Atlantic Canada.