
The Beluga News Honouring the Water Issue, Summer 2024

The fifth issue of The Beluga News highlights a new storytelling project that is gathering Indigenous and community knowledge about the belugas of Churchill, Manitoba.

Letter to Minister Lebouthillier: Enhanced Small Craft Harbour Program to Advance Marine Electrification

A letter to Minister Lebouthillier from Brent Dancey, Director of Marine Climate Action at Oceans North regarding new opportunities to enhance the Small Craft Harbours program by preparing for electrification.

Building Climate-Resilient Fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic

Climate change poses a growing threat to marine life, creating an urgent need for climate-informed management strategies. A newly developed Climate Risk Index for Biodiversity was used to map critical risk areas for over 2000 marine species and 90 fish stocks in the northwest Atlantic Ocean, a hotspot for global warming.

Making the Case for Marine Conservation in the Inner Bay of Fundy

This report summarizes opinion polling and a literature review on the Inner Bay of Fundy, finding knowledge and support that could advance conservation in this region.

Overlooked and Undervalued The Economic Case for Rebuilding Forage Fish

This report shows that when the value of forage fish both in and out of the water is considered, the results can support stock rebuilding and ecosystem-based management approaches that also increase benefits for harvesters.

Letter of Concern Over Canada’s Engagement at the International Seabed Authority

A group of 30 environmental and Indigenous organizations from across Canada and around the world are calling on the federal government to defend human rights, Indigenous participation, and transparency as nations discuss opening one of the planet’s last untouched ecosystems to mining.

Mapping Carbon in Canada's Seafloor: Policy Brief

A new high-resolution predictive map may allow carbon considerations to be incorporated into national and regional seabed planning processes.

Oceans North 2023 Annual Report

The Oceans North 2023 Annual Report provides highlights from the last year of our work in the Arctic, Atlantic and the high seas.

Manitoba's Beluga Habitat Sustainability Plan

This document, originally published by the government of Manitoba in 2016, is part of “TomorrowNow – Manitoba’s Green Plan,” an eight-year strategic action plan for mobilizing Manitobans to protect the environment with an environmentally conscious economy.

New Energy Markets in West Coast Shipping Report

Work to transition the maritime sector away from fossil fuels has been delayed due to the hard-to-decarbonize nature of activities such as long-range shipping, but there are reasons to focus on and fast-track maritime decarbonization. A multi-stakeholder workshop in November 2023 on New Energy Markets in West Coast Shipping worked to link clean energy projects with the marine value chain and figure out how energy export projects can be leveraged to decarbonize ports, shipping and marine transportation. This report summarizes the discussion and outcomes of the event.

Agenda and Presentations, New Energy Markets in West Coast Shipping

i. Agenda, November 3, 2023, New Energy Markets in West Coast Shipping
ii. Laurence Cret, IEA, Shipping in the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario
iii. Ahila Karan, Lloyd’s Register Marine Decarbonization Hub, Estimating Demand and Scalability
iv. Selena Elmer Aspen Institute presentation, Climate-Leading Companies Creating a New Market for Zero-Emission Shipping.

Nova Scotia Lobster Fleet Electrification Assessment

This report presents an overview of the opportunity to modernize Nova Scotia’s lobster fishing fleet with zero-emission propulsion systems by capturing a fleet-level perspective and examining the potential for zero-emission technologies.  The goal of this report is to provide lobster fishers, boatbuilders, and decision-makers with an overview of the technology’s potential and begin to equip them with the information they need to make system-level plans to decarbonize at a scale and pace that fits with Canada’s and Nova Scotia’s commitments to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

The Beluga News The Beluga History Issue, Summer 2023

The fourth issue of The Beluga News highlights the history and heritage sites of Western Hudson Bay near Churchill, Manitoba, where people have been living alongside belugas for thousands of years.

The Walrus News Issue No. 2, Summer 2023

The Walrus News is a newsletter for the Hamlet of Salliq (Coral Harbour) that highlights new research, shares local knowledge, stories, and photos, and keeps the community informed about developments that relate to walrus and their broader habitat.

Canadian Green Shipping Corridors Preliminary Assessment: Final Report

This report assesses the potential impact that green shipping corridors—and maritime decarbonization more broadly—could have in Canada, highlighting the opportunities that green shipping corridors present.

Canadian Green Shipping Corridors Preliminary Assessment: Summary Report

A summary version of the Canadian Green Shipping Corridors Preliminary Assessment.

Oceans North 2022 Annual Report

The Oceans North 2022 Annual Report provides highlights from the last year of our work in the Arctic, Atlantic and the high seas.

The Walrus News Issue No. 1, Summer 2022

The Walrus News is a newsletter for the Hamlet of Salliq (Coral Harbour) that highlights new research, shares local knowledge, stories, and photos, and keeps the community informed about developments that relate to walrus and their broader habitat.

Policy Brief: A Climate Risk Index for Marine Life

This policy brief provides key findings from a study in Nature Climate Change that developed an innovative approach to understanding the effects of climate change. The results highlight the importance of reducing emissions and lay the groundwork for climate-smart approaches to management and conservation.

Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in northern Hudson Bay Status, research needs and monitoring opportunities

The Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) is a species of cultural, ecological, and socioeconomic importance around Hudson Bay. This technical report summarizes relevant information on walruses in northern Hudson Bay, including western and Inuit scientific and traditional knowledge.

The Beluga News The Beluga & Calf Issue, Summer 2022

The third issue of The Beluga News highlights the latest scientific research taking place in Churchill, Manitoba, including new research into how beluga calves and their mothers use the estuaries.

Oceans North 2021 Annual Report

The Oceans North 2021 Annual Report provides highlights from the last year of our work in the Arctic, Atlantic and the high seas.

Executive Summary Charting a Course for Net Zero

A summary version of the Oceans North report Charting a Course for Net Zero: Critical First Steps on a Hydrogen Pathway. 

Charting a Course for Net Zero Critical First Steps on a Hydrogen Pathway

This report builds off of the Ports & Maritime Hydrogen Summit Series, held March/April 2021, which aimed to increase visibility and dialogue around the role of clean hydrogen in the maritime sector and the need to develop seaport hydrogen hubs in Canada. The report covers four major themes from the Summit Series and provides recommendations for policy-makers.

The Hudson Bay, James Bay and Foxe Basin Ecosystem: A Review

This report reviews and synthesizes a wide variety of peer-reviewed and grey literature regarding the Hudson Bay marine ecosystem.

The Beluga News: Summer 2021

The second issue of Beluga News provides updates about our three-year study of how belugas interact with whale-watching boats in Churchill, Manitoba.

Incorporating Coasts and Oceans into Canada’s 2021 Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement

This document describes how ocean-based climate solutions can be incorporated into Canada’s climate policy and help Canada reach its emissions-reduction targets under the Paris Agreement.

Turning up the Heat: Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Fisheries in Atlantic Canada and the Eastern Arctic

This document summarizes the findings and recommendations of Dr. Daniel Boyce’s larger report, “Incorporating Climate Change into Fisheries Management in Atlantic Canada and the Eastern Arctic.”

Incorporating climate change into fisheries management in Atlantic Canada and the Eastern Arctic

A scientific report prepared by Dr. Daniel G. Boyce on the impacts of climate change on commercial fisheries in Atlantic Canada and the Eastern Arctic. The report also examines the integration of climate change into Canadian fisheries management and provides recommendations for how to improve management in the face of climate change.

Towards a Waste-Free Arctic

The report collects data about the amount of waste accumulated over the last 25 years in the 51 communities that comprise the four regions of Inuit Nunangat, analyzes the types of waste being generated, and summarizes the available waste disposal methods. It also recommends solutions that could have social, economic and environmental benefits.

Underwater soundscape and radiated noise from ships in Eclipse Sound, NE Canadian Arctic

This January 2021 acoustic monitoring report documents a substantial increase in underwater noise, at levels known to disturb narwhal, as a result of ships from Baffinland’s Mary River iron ore mine traveling through the Arctic’s Eclipse Sound. A summary of the report is available in English and Inuktitut.

Financial Analysis: Mary River Iron Ore Mine

The January 2021 report by Open Oil is a financial analysis of the viability of Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation’s current operations at the Mary River iron ore mine versus its proposal to double production. The Review is Open Oil’s response to Baffinland’s review of Open Oil’s January 2021 financial analysis.

The Jig is Up Millions at stake in DFO’s failed actions to rebuild the depleted Atlantic mackerel stock

This document summarizes the results of an economic study on the Atlantic mackerel fishery. The study shows that lowering catch levels makes sense not only for the health of the stock, but also for the long-term health of the fishery.

Value of Atlantic Mackerel and Stock Rebuilding in Canada

This economic analysis assesses the trade-offs between short-term and long-term fishing under different management scenarios to help rebuild the Atlantic mackerel stock. The report finds that minimizing fishing now could lead to long-term economic gains in excess of $50 million.

The Beluga News: Summer 2020

The first issue of the Beluga News, published Summer 2020, provides information on Churchill’s beluga whale population.

Restoring Our Ocean Supporting Conservation-based Economic Recovery

This report outlines recommendations from Oceans North about six areas where Canada’s recovery from COVID 19 can include our ocean, meet government commitments, and advance critical efforts in marine conservation to ensure resilient ecosystems and communities into the future. Canada’s stimulus efforts need to lead to a transformative future that otherwise would not have come to fruition.

Atlantic Canada Public Opinion Study

Oceans North, the Conservation Council of New Brunswick and the New Brunswick chapter of Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society were interested in better understanding how Atlantic Canadians (residents of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Prince Edward Island) perceive the state of the oceans. This report contains the results of polling that was conducted over the summer of 2019. The survey was supported by The Ocean Foundation.

Atlantic Canada Environmental DNA Workshop Report

This report details the outcomes of the first Atlantic Canada Environmental DNA Workshop, held at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and hosted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Nova Scotia Salmon Association and Oceans North. It includes recommendations for future work, summaries of the presentations given and a map of past, current and future research projects involving environmental DNA in Atlantic Canada.

Assessment of the Mary River Project Impacts and Benefits

There is currently a proposal to expand the output of the Mary River iron ore mine in Nunavut’s Qikiqtani region. In this report, University of Manitoba economics professor John Loxley examines the current and potential benefits for regional Inuit rights holders. His findings suggest that, unless significant changes are made to the benefit regime, rapid expansion of the mine will not allow Inuit to capitalize on revenues—in particular employment income—before the resource is exhausted.

Informing Canada’s G7 Presidency A Workshop on Global Marine Plastics Solutions

Informing Canada’s G7 Presidency: A Workshop on Global Marine Plastics Solutions, describes key findings from the workshop and recommends four categories of action: (1) foundational actions needed for success, (2) actions Canada can take at home, (3) actions the G7 can advance, and (4) actions that require broader global partnership.

Canada’s Arctic Marine Atlas

Canada’s Arctic Marine Atlas, published jointly with Ducks Unlimited Canada and World Wildlife Fund Canada, offers a comprehensive look at an environment undergoing dramatic shifts due to climate change.

Western Hudson Bay and Its Beluga Estuaries Protecting Abundance for a Sustainable Future

Western Hudson Bay is globally signification wildlife habitat, as well as the site of important historic and cultural sites. Western Hudson Bay and Its Beluga Estuaries: Protecting Abundance for a Sustainable Future advocates for a national marine conservation area in this region.

People of the Ice Bridge The Future of the Pikialasorsuaq

Pikialasorsuaq is the largest Arctic polynya and most biologically productive region north of the Arctic Circle. The Pikialasorsuaq Commission, made up of representatives from both sides of Baffin Bay, issued this report in 2017 with major recommendations for the conservation and management of the polynya.

The Integrated Arctic Corridors Framework Planning for responsible shipping in Canada’s Arctic waters

The Integrated Arctic Corridors Framework proposes a comprehensive system of tiered, risk-based shipping routes, and an associated governance structure, that would integrate safe shipping, Inuit rights, and environmental protection, and provide benefit to Canada, the shipping industry, and Arctic communities.

Becoming Arctic-Ready Policy recommendations for reforming Canada's approach to licensing and regulating offshore arctic oil and gas

Canada’s system of regulating and licensing offshore oil and gas development requires major reforms to create an Arctic-ready future to protect this region and its people from environmental harm.

What's That Sound? How Underwater Noise Hurts Arctic Wildlife

The Arctic is one of the quietest places on Earth, and beneath its frigid waters is a vibrant ecosystem filled with life. Walrus, narwhal, seals, and belugas all communicate through complex vocalizations. But more recently, there’s been a change. Ship noise affects the Arctic, its ecosystems and its communities: if you’re an animal trying to be heard in this noisy environment, it’s going to be difficult amongst ship noise. So what are we doing about it? In this new video from Oceans North, you’ll learn everything about the issue of underwater noise and its impact, and how we can work together to research and implement best practices for noise reduction in the Arctic and across Canadian waters.

Deep-Sea Mining Must Be Stopped Before It Starts A coalition of countries is advocating for a pause, moratorium, or ban on deep-sea mining – will they be successful?

Oceans North is working within Canada and internationally to prevent deep-sea mining from destroying some of our last untouched, and least understood, ecosystems.

Over 700 scientists signed a letter asking countries to halt the nascent industry, as we do not know enough about deep-sea ecosystems to adequately predict the impacts of deep-sea mining, which means we do not know the damage and implications it will cause the ecosystem and surrounding environment.

There is currently a coalition of countries advocating for a pause, moratorium, or ban on deep-sea mining – will they be successful?

This animated video from Two Toes Creative was made in partnership with the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition and the International Union for Conservation of Nature to increase awareness of deep-sea mining, the ecosystems it is targeting, the economic and energy context, and the communities that could be impacted.

Legends of the Land Inuit Knowledge Vital to Research in Nunatsiavut

This video is about the experiences of Labrador Inuit in Nunatsiavut, an Inuit-governed region in the eastern Arctic. Nunatsiavut means “Our Beautiful Land” in Inuktitut. Labrador Inuit have been stewards of these lands and seas since time immemorial and are taking an active role in management and research.

Discovering the Deep

There is data on less than 1 per cent of the deep ocean. But even within the parts we have explored, there is life we never expected. This video profiles the work of the NOAA ship OKEANOS Explorer as it researches the deep sea off the coast of Atlantic Canada.

Tallurutiup Imanga NMCA National Marine Conservation Area

What should successful conservation look like? Oceans North celebrates the finalization of Tallurutiup Imanga, a national marine conservation area co-governed with Inuit that protects more than 109,000 square kilometres of rich Arctic waters.

Imaryuk Monitors

Seventy kilometres of the new 140-kilometre highway between Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk runs along the shore line of Imaryuk (Husky Lakes). In this video, we meet the members of the Imaryuk Monitoring Program, who work to ensure this culturally important area is maintained for future generations.

Tallurutiup Imanga

Poetry and images explain why Lancaster Sound, known now as Tallurutiup Imanga, needs to be protected.
Video © The Pew Charitable Trusts and Ducks Unlimited.

Protecting Manitoba’s Beluga Estuaries

The river estuaries in Western Hudson Bay provide invaluable summer habitat for one-third of the world’s beluga whales. However, climate change and industrial impacts threaten this region’s ecological viability and have the potential to fundamentally impact the economic base and health of coastal communities that rely on its natural resources for sustenance.
Video © The Pew Charitable Trusts and Ducks Unlimited.

Keepers of Darnley Bay

A day in the life of Inuvialuit from the community of Paulatuk, part of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. The film features the ecological and cultural importance of Canada’s second Arctic marine protected area, Anguniaqvia Niqiqyuam.